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Re: vectors on maps

In article <365B6CBB.F3134DCE@atmos.washington.edu>,
  Varavut Limpasuvan <var@atmos.washington.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to overlay vectors (say wind vectors) on a stereographic
> (or any other type) projection map? I dont think "velovect" works for
> this situation. Help.
> Thanks,
> Var
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                       VARAVUT LIMPASUVAN
>            Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, BOX 351640
>                    University of Washington
>                   Seattle, Washington  98195
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I recieved this awhile ago, but never tested it.  Good luck.  Unfortunately,
I do not have the name of the person that sent it to me.

To:	Mirko Vukovic/OPS/HQ/MRC
Subject:	Re: vector plots on maps

> is there a routine by which I can overplot a vector field on a map?

I wrote this, but don't use it much.  Have fun...

;This "front end" procedure is a help tool for map_vec.

pro vec_help

base = widget_base(title='VEC_HELP', /row)
list = widget_text(base, xsize=85, ysize=20 ,scroll=1, $

font='-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1', $ 
'=======================================================================',$ '
 >>>>  MAP_VEC	HELP MENU  <<<<', $ ' ', $ '  The map_vec procedure plots
vectors within an existing plot space.', $ '  Usually a map is produced, then
vectors are overlayed using velovect.', $ ' ', $
'USAGE:  map_vec, u, v, x, y, missing=missing, length=length, maxvec=maxvec,
round=round, $', $ '  dots=dots, color=color, everyx=everyx, everyy=everyy,
arrowsize=arrowsize, $', $ '  limit=limit, refvec=refvec, refunit=refunit,
refposx=refposx, $',$ '  refposy=refposy, reflabely=reflabely,
charsize=charsize, help=help', $
'=======================================================================',$ '
', $ 'PARAMETERS:', $ '  u,v..............	 2-D data arrays specifying
the zonal and meridional velocity components.', $ '  x,y..............	    
Meridional and zonal location vectors (longitude, latitude).', $ ' ', $
'KEYWORDS:', $ '  missing..........	Do not plot vectors with a magnitude
greater or equal to this value.', $ '  length...........   Length factor. 
The default of 1.0 makes the longest vector the', $ '		length of one
grid cell.', $ '  maxvec...........	  Maximum vector magnitude for
scaling.  Default is computed', $ '  round............	   Round computed
maxvec so it is divisible by 5.', $ '  dots............. After setting dots
to 1, a dot is placed at missing data points.', $ '  color............	    
Color index for drawing vectors.  Default is zero.', $ '  everyx...........  
  Plot every 2nd, 3rd, 4th... vector in the x direction.  Default is 1.', $ '
 everyy...........  Plot every 2nd, 3rd, 4th... vector in the y direction. 
Default is 1.', $ '  arrowsize........	Factor by which default arrowsize is
multiplied.', $ '  limit............	   vector containing [latmin, lonmin,
latmx, lonmax] for plotting area.', $ ' ', $ '	refvec...........    After
setting refvec to 1, a "max vector magnitude" arrow appears on the plot.',$ "
 refunit..........  String variable containing unit of the reference vector. 
Default is 'm s!U-1!n.'",$ '  refposx..........       Ending x position (in
data coords.) for drawing refvec.  Default is computed.', $ ' 
refposy..........  Y position (in data coords.) for drawing refvec.  Default
is computed.', $ '  reflabely........ Y position (in data coords.) for
drawing label beneath refvec.  Default is computed.', $ '  charsize......... 
 Character size for reference vector label. Default is .78', $ ' 
help.............      Bring up this help menu.', $
... ....................'+$
... ....................'+$ '..........................',$ ' ', $ '  EXAMPLE:
 Plotting global taux, tauy data.', $ "  taux =
rz('/data/obs/nmc/stress/taux_9_90', xloc=x, yloc=y)", $ "  tauy =
rz('/data/obs/nmc/stress/tauy_9_90')", $ '  gplot, taux, x, y, /nodata	...
or ...	map_set, 0, 180, /cont, /cyl', $ ' ', $ '  map_vec, taux, tauy, x, y,
missing=999., everyx=2, everyy=1, length=5, /dots, $', $ "  /refvec,
refunit='dynes cm !e-2!n', refposx=340., refposy=-100., $", $ ' 
reflabely=-106.', $  ' ' ])

widget_control, /realize, base


pro map_vec, u, v, x, y, missing=missing, length=length, maxvec=maxvec,
round=round, $
        dots=dots,  color=color, everyx=everyx, everyy=everyy,
arrowsize=arrowsize, $
        limit=limit, refvec=refvec, refunit=refunit, refposx=refposx,
refposy=refposy, $
        reflabely=reflabely, charsize=charsize, help=help
;	Produce a two-dimensional velocity field plot.
;	A directed arrow is drawn at each point showing the direction and
;	magnitude of the field.
;	Plotting, two-dimensional.
;	MAP_VEC, U, V, X, Y
;	U:	The X component of the two-dimensional field.
;		U must be a two-dimensional array.
;	V:	The Y component of the two dimensional field.  Y must have
;		the same dimensions as X.  The vector at point (i,j) has a
;		magnitude of:
;			SQRT ( U(i,j)^2 + V(i,j)^2 )
;		and a direction of:
;			ATAN2 ( V(i,j), U(i,j) )
; 	X:	Optional abcissae values.  X must be a vector with a length
;		equal to the first dimension of U and V.
;	Y:	Optional ordinate values.  Y must be a vector with a length
;		equal to the first dimension of U and V.
;     MISSING:	Missing data value.  Vectors with a LENGTH greater
;		than MISSING are ignored.
;      LENGTH:	Length factor.  The default of 1.0 makes the longest
;		vector the length of a cell.
;        DOTS:	Set this keyword to 1 to place a dot at each missing
;		Set this keyword to 0 or omit it to draw nothing for missing
;		points.  Has effect only if MISSING is specified.
;	COLOR:	The color index used for the arrows.
;       EVERY:  Plot every ____ vector.  Default is 1.
;    REFARROW:  Plot a maximum vector magnitude.  Default is 0 (NO).
;     REFUNIT:  Unit of max arrow.  Default is m s!e-1!n   (i.e., m/s)
;     REFPOSX:  X starting position of maxxarrow.  Default is computed.
;     REFPOSY:  Y position of maxxarrow.  Default is computed.
;   REFLABELY:  Y position of refveclabel.  Default is computed.
;	None.
;	None.
;	Plotting on the selected device is performed.
;	None.
;	Straightforward.  The system variables !XTITLE, !YTITLE and
;	!MTITLE can be set to title the axes.
;	DMS, RSI, Oct., 1983.
;	For Sun, DMS, RSI, April, 1989.
;	Added TITLE, Oct, 1990.
;       Added all keywords past color.       June 1993,  Andrew F.
;       Draw to current plot area (usually a map).

        on_error, 2               ;Return to caller if an error occurs
        help = keyword_set(help)
        if (help eq 1 or n_params() eq 0) then begin
            message, 'Stopped for help in map_vec.pro'

        s = size(u)
        t = size(v)

; Check size of input arrays.

        if n_params(1) lt 4 then $
           message, 'Must specify u, v, x, y'

        if s(0) ne 2 then begin
baduv:     message, 'U and V parameters must be 2D and same size.'

        if total(abs(s(0:2)-t(0:2))) ne 0 then goto, baduv

        if (n_elements(x) ne s(1) or n_elements(y) ne s(2)) then $
            message, 'X and Y arrays have incorrect size.'

; Set some default values.
        if n_elements(missing)   le 0 then missing = 1.0e10
        if n_elements(length)    le 0 then length = 1.0
        if n_elements(maxvec)    le 0 then maxvec = -1.
        if n_elements(round)     le 0 then round = 0
        if n_elements(everyx)    le 0 then everyx = 1
        if n_elements(everyy)    le 0 then everyy = 1
        if n_elements(arrowsize) le 0 then arrowsize = 1.
        if n_elements(limit)     le 0 then limit =
        if n_elements(title)     le 0 then title = ''
        if n_elements(charsize)  le 0 then charsize = .78
        if n_elements(color)     le 0 then color = 0

        latmin = limit(0)            ;Get geographical limits
        lonmin = limit(1)            ;for plotting the data
        latmax = limit(2)
        lonmax = limit(3)

        mag = sqrt(u^2 + v^2)        ;Get magnitude of all vectors

; Get subscripts of good and bad elements.
; good = those points where vector magnitude is less than missing value.
; bad  = those points where vector magnitude is greater or equal to
missing value.
        nbad = 0                     ;# of missing points
        if n_elements(missing) gt 0 then begin
           good = where(mag lt missing)
           if keyword_set(dots) then bad = where(mag ge missing, nbad)
        endif else begin
           good = lindgen(n_elements(mag))

; Using good points, find maximum vector magnitude for scaling.
        if (maxvec eq -1.) then begin
           mag2 = mag(good)              ;Get magnitude of good points.
           if (max(mag2) le 2) then maxvec = fix(max(mag2))
           if (max(mag2) gt 2) then maxvec = fix(max(mag2)+1)
           if (round eq 1) then begin
              maxvec = fix((max(mag2)+1)/5)*5  ;Round maxvec dwn to
number divisible by 5
              print, 'Max vector length for scaling is made divisible by
5: ',maxvec
           if (maxvec eq 0.) then maxvec = 1

 ;Grid spacing needed for scaling vectors
        deltax = (max(x) - min(x)) / (s(1)-1)
        deltay = (max(y) - min(y)) / (s(2)-1)

; Plot vectors and arrow heads  (loop through all points).
        for j = 0, s(2)-2, fix(everyy) do begin
        for i = 0, s(1)-1, fix(everyx) do begin

; Get scaled vector componets.
;   length = If three, the longest vector covers three grid cells.
;   u,v    = The actual velocity components.
;   maxvec = The maximum wind component.

            if (mag(i,j) lt missing) then begin
               dx = length * (deltax) * (u(i,j)/maxvec)    ;Get (u,v)
               dy = length * (deltay) * (v(i,j)/maxvec)    ;that will be

               x0 = x(i)     ;Get beginning/ending coords of vector
               x1 = x0 + dx
               y0 = y(j)
               y1 = y0 + dy

               if (y0 ge latmin and y1 le latmax and $
                   x0 ge lonmin and x1 le lonmax) then

                      arrow_andy, x0, y0, x1, y1, color=color, /data,

; Plot a "maximum vector" arrow at the bottom righthand corner of the
       if n_elements(refvec) gt 0 then begin

; Determine new arrow head size and angle for the reference vector
          r = .4                   ;Length of arrow head
          angle = 20. * !dtor      ;Half-co-angle of arrowhead
          st = r * sin(angle)      ;Sin 20 degs * length of head
          ct = r * cos(angle)

          dx = length * deltax    ;Get x-component
          dy = length * deltay    ;Get y-component

; Compute (or use supplied value) for the ending x position, and the
; y position of the reference vector.
          if n_elements (refposx) le 0 then refposx= max(x) - dx*3.
          if n_elements (refposy) le 0 then refposy= min(y) -

          x0 = refposx - dx
          y0 = refposy
          x1 = x0 + dx
          y1 = y0 + dy    ;No y variation (reference vector is

; Find default (x,y) positions for max vector label
          xlabel = (x0 + x1)/2.
          ylabel = y0 - (y(4)-y(0))
          if n_elements(reflabely) gt 0 then ylabel=reflabely

; Determine (or use supplied value) unit of the reference vector
          if n_elements(refunit) le 0 then refunit= 'm s!U-1!n'

          max_label = strcompress(string(maxvec), /remove_all)   ;Get
          reftitle = max_label + ' '+ refunit
;          xyouts, xlabel, ylabel, reftitle, align=.5,
charsize=charsize, color=color

; Found it more universally acceptable to plot refvec in normalized
          new_coords = convert_coord (x0, y0, /data, /to_norm)
          xx0 = new_coords(0)  &  yy0 = new_coords(1)   ;refvec starts

          new_coords = convert_coord (x1, y1, /data, /to_norm)
          xx1 = new_coords(0)  &  yy1 = new_coords(1)   ;refvec ends

          new_coords = convert_coord ( x1-(ct*dx-st*dy),
                     /data, /to_norm)
          xx2 = new_coords(0)  &  yy2 = new_coords(1)   ;top arrowheads
end here

          new_coords = convert_coord ( x1-(ct*dx+st*dy),
                     /data, /to_norm)
          xx3 = new_coords(0)  &  yy3 = new_coords(1)   ;bot arrowheads
end here

          yy1 = yy0
          plots,[xx0, xx1, xx3, xx1, xx3], $
                [yy0, yy1, yy3+2.*(yy1-yy3), yy1, yy3], color=color, $
                thick=1., /norm

          xyouts, .5*(xx0+xx1), yy0-.015, reftitle, align=.5,
charsize=charsize, color=color, /norm


; Place dots at missing data points
        if nbad gt 0 then $
                     oplot, x(bad mod s(1)), y(bad/s(1)), psym=3,



PRO ARROW_ANDY, x0, y0, x1, y1, HSIZE = hsize, COLOR = color, HTHICK =
hthick, $
	THICK = thick, DATA = data, DEVICE = device, NORMALIZED = norm, $
	SOLID = solid
; PURPOSE:	Draw a vector(s) with an arrow head
; CATEGORY:	Graphics
;	ARROW, x0, y0, x1, y1
;	(x0, y0) = coordinates of beginning of vector(s).  May be arrays
;		or scalars. Coordinates are in DEVICE coordinates
;		unless otherwise specified.
;	(x1, y1) = coordinates of endpoint (head) of vector.
;		x0, y0, x1, y1 must all have the same number of elements.
;	DATA - if set, implies that coordinates are in data coords.
;	NORMALIZED - if set, coordinates are specified in normalized coords.
;	HSIZE = size of arrowhead.  Default = 1/64th the width of the device,
;		(!D.X_SIZE / 64.).
;		If the size is positive, it is assumed to be in device
;		coordinate units.  If it is NEGATIVE, then the head length
;		is set to the vector length * abs(hsize), giving heads
;		proportional in size to the bodies.  The size is defined as
;		the length of each of the lines (separated by 60 degrees)
;		that make the head.
;	COLOR = drawing color.  Default = highest color index.
;	HTHICK = thickness of heads.  Default = 1.0.
;	SOLID = if set, make a solid arrow, using polygon fills, looks better
;		for thick arrows.
;	THICK = thickness of body.    Default = 1.0.
;	No explicit outputs.
;	Straightforward.
;	Examples:
;  		Draw an arrow from (100,150) to (300,350) in DEVICE units.
;	ARROW, 100, 150,  300, 350
;		Draw a sine wave with arrows from the line Y=0 to
;		sin(x/4).
;	X = FINDGEN(50)
;	Y = SIN(x/4)		;Make sin wave
;	PLOT, X, Y
;	DMS, Feb, 1992.
;	DMS, Sept, 1992.  Added /SOLID.

;  Draw an arrow with a head from (x0,y0) to (x1, y1).  Params may be
;		vectors.

;  Set up keyword params

if n_elements(thick)  eq 0 then thick = 1.
if n_elements(hthick) eq 0 then hthick = thick

;Head size in device units
if n_elements(hsize) eq 0 then arrowsize = !d.x_size/64. * (hthick/2. >
1) $
    else arrowsize = float(hsize)
if n_elements(color) eq 0 then color = !P.color

angle = 20.0  ;degrees for head angle

mcost = - cos( !dtor * angle )
sint  = sin( !dtor * angle )
msint = - sint

for i = 0, n_elements(x0)-1 do begin      ;Each vector
	if keyword_set(data) then $            ;Convert?
        p = convert_coord([x0(i),x1(i)],[y0(i),y1(i)], /data, /to_dev) $
	else if keyword_set(norm) then $
	     p = convert_coord([x0(i),x1(i)],[y0(i),y1(i)], /norm, /to_dev) $
	else p = [[x0(i), y0(i)],[x1(i), y1(i)]]

	xp0 = p(0,0)
	xp1 = p(0,1)
	yp0 = p(1,0)
	yp1 = p(1,1)

	dx = float(xp1-xp0)
	dy = float(yp1-yp0)
	zz = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)	;Length

	if zz gt 1e-6 then begin
		dx = dx/zz		;Cos th
		dy = dy/zz		;Sin th
	endif else begin
		dx = 1.
		dy = 0.
		zz = 1.
	if arrowsize gt 0 then a = arrowsize $   ;a = length of head
	else a = -zz * arrowsize

	xxp0 = xp1 + a * (dx*mcost - dy * msint)
	yyp0 = yp1 + a * (dx*msint + dy * mcost)
	xxp1 = xp1 + a * (dx*mcost - dy * sint)
	yyp1 = yp1 + a * (dx*sint  + dy * mcost)

;print, xxp0, yyp0, xxp1, yyp1
;if ( ( (xp0 le 900) and (yp0 le 900) and (xp1 le 900) and (yp1 le 900)
) $
;then begin

	if keyword_set(solid) then begin	;Use polyfill?
	  b = a * mcost*.9	;End of arrow shaft (Fudge to force join)
	  plots, [xp0, xp1+b*dx], [yp0, yp1+b*dy], /DEVICE, $
		COLOR = color, THICK = thick
	  polyfill, [xxp0, xxp1, xp1, xxp0], [yyp0, yyp1, yp1, yyp0], $
		/DEVICE, COLOR = color

	endif else begin

	  plots, [xp0, xp1], [yp0, yp1], /DEVICE, COLOR = color, THICK = thick,
	  plots, [xxp0,xp1,xxp1],[yyp0,yp1,yyp1], /DEVICE, COLOR = color, $
			THICK = hthick, noclip=0




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