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Re: widget_programming

In article <MPG.11beddbd77f6ed409897cb@news.frii.com>, davidf@dfanning.com 
> (David Fanning) writes:
>Perhaps this article will generate some other ideas
>we can use. I'll collect them and post them on my
>web page. My main problem is that I don't have all these
>machines, so when a problem develops I solve it and
>forget to write the solution down. :-(
>(I'm also vaguely remembering a Mark Rivers function
>that helped get nice fonts in a machine-independent
>fashion. Mark, are you reading. Haven't heard from
>you in a while.)

I'm still here!

Here is the function I use to get useable and reasonably similar fonts on Motif,
(e.g. Unix and VMS) and Windows NT machines.  You use the function as in the
following examples:
font = get_font_name(/helvetica, /large, /bold)
font = get_font_name(/courier, size=3)

Sorry I haven't even written a standard documentation header!

Using this function I am able to write widget applications which look very
similar on Windows and Motif.  I have used it a lot on Sun, Digital Unix, VMS, 
and Windows NT, less so on SGI, HP and Linux.

function get_font_name, $
        helvetica=helvetica, times=times, courier=courier, $
        tiny=tiny, small=small, medium=medium, large=large, huge=huge, $
        size=size, $
        bold=bold, italic=italic, $
        dpi75=dpi75, dpi100=dpi100

; Returns the name of the font with the specified characteristics

; This routine should know more about the Mac.  Right now it only works well on
; Windows and Motif

if (!version.os_family eq 'Windows') then begin
    font = ''
    if keyword_set(helvetica) then font = font + 'Helvetica' else $
    if keyword_set(times)     then font = font + 'Times' else $
    if keyword_set(courier)   then font = font + 'Courier New' else $
    font = font + 'MS San Serif'

    if keyword_set(bold) then font = font + '*Bold'
    if keyword_set(italic) then font = font + '*Italic'
    if keyword_set(tiny)   then size=0
    if keyword_set(small)  then size=1
    if keyword_set(medium) then size=2
    if keyword_set(large)  then size=3
    if keyword_set(huge)   then size=4
    if (n_elements(size) eq 0) then size=2
    font_size_strings = ['12', '14', '16', '18', '20']
    size = (size > 0) < (n_elements(font_size_strings)-1)
    font = font + '*' + font_size_strings(size)
    return, font
endif else if (!version.os_family eq 'Mac') then begin
   return, font
endif else begin  ; Assume Motif
    font = '-adobe-'
    if keyword_set(helvetica) then font = font + 'helvetica-' else $
    if keyword_set(times)     then font = font + 'times-' else $
    if keyword_set(courier)   then font = font + 'courier-' else $
                                   font = font + 'helvetica-'

    if keyword_set(bold) then font = $
            font + 'bold-' else font = font + 'medium-'
    if keyword_set(italic) then font = font + 'o-' else font = font + 'r-'
    font = font + 'normal--*-'

    if keyword_set(tiny)   then size=0
    if keyword_set(small)  then size=1
    if keyword_set(medium) then size=2
    if keyword_set(large)  then size=3
    if keyword_set(huge)   then size=4
    if (n_elements(size) eq 0) then size=2
    font_size_strings = ['80-', '100-', '120-', '140-', '180-']
    size = (size > 0) < (n_elements(font_size_strings)-1)
    font = font + font_size_strings(size)

    if keyword_set(dpi100) then font = font + '100-100-' else $
    if keyword_set(dpi75) then font = font + '75-75-' else $
    font = font + '*-*-'
    font = font + '*-*-iso8859-1'
return, font


Mark Rivers                             (773) 702-2279 (office)
CARS                                    (773) 702-9951 (secretary)
Univ. of Chicago                        (773) 702-5454 (FAX)
5640 S. Ellis Ave.                      (708) 922-0499 (home)
Chicago, IL 60637                       rivers@cars.uchicago.edu (e-mail)

Argonne National Laboratory             (630) 252-0422 (office)
Building 434A                           (630) 252-0405 (lab)
9700 South Cass Avenue                  (630) 252-1713 (beamline)
Argonne, IL 60439                       (630) 252-0443 (FAX)