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returning values from widget hierarchy

First, forgive my ignorance of widget programming ;^)

How can I return values from a "temporary" widget hierarchy.  That is:

I have a widget program that creates a new widget for users to adjust
color settings.  When they select a menu item, I do something like,

...build widgets for color settings...
widget_control, cs_base, /realize
xmanager, 'color_settings', cs_base

Then in color_settings_event I handle the various sliders and buttons in
the cs_base widget.  Then when the user clicks on 'Accept' on the
cs_base widget, I do widget_control, event.top, /destroy

What I'd like to do is NOW be able to see what those settings are back
in the procedure that created the cs_base in the first place.  I would
like to avoid using COMMON blocks if possible.  I'm familiar with using
widget_control to store a structure to contain all the information
needed, but can't seem to figure out how to make it work in this

IDL> print, !version
{  sparc sunos unix 5.1 Apr 13 1998}

