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Re: routine for GRIB data

wmc@bas.ac.uk writes:

> Mark Hadfield <m.hadfield@niwa.cri.nz> wrote:
> >I vaguely recall reading GRIB data some years ago by trapping output from
> >the wgrib command-line program. This is not the ideal way to do it!
> Oh dear. I still do this. It works, if you're going to convert all
> your files to another format. Too slow for reading lots in real time,
> though.
> -W
> -- 
> William M Connolley | wmc@bas.ac.uk | http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/icd/wmc/
> Climate Modeller, British Antarctic Survey | Disclaimer: I speak for myself 
> I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file & help me spread!

Hi you fellow GRIBBERS ;-)

   As I am repeatedly faced with the same problem, I started out on a 
read_wgrib routine. As the name says, it also uses wgrib to analyse the
GRIB file, but I tried to optimise it a little bit here and there, so
it's already working for some applications. There is a lot of timing 
output in the current version of the program and you can quickly locate
where it spends all it's time: it is the analysis of the header information
provided by wgrib that takes up most of the time. This immediately leads
to 3 suggestions:
(1) analyse only the part of the header that you really need
(2) make read_wgrib an object so that at least you scan the header only
    once for an individual file
(3) ask the wgrib developper for a binary or more formatted header output. 
    Currently it is necessary to do some string parsing, and if this could
    be avoided and instead a formatted read could be used, that would 
    probably save a lot of time.

   The program is attached below. Current limitation: it can only read 
gridded data as I would need to find a way to assess the dimensions of
spectral data. (I believe this is possible if one converts the data with
header, but I didn't have time to test).


PRO read_wgrib, data, filename=filename, $
                code=code, date=date, timestep=timestep, level=level, $
                metadata=metadata, dims=dims, $

data will be a structure with tags like CODE100, CODE234, etc. Names should
be added eventually, but I had trouble with getting my own code table to
work properly and in a flexible way, so I decided to go for code number
rather than a wrong name.

The code, date, timestep, level  keywords are input, metadata and dims are 
output, and header_only is a switch. Timestep is computed by counting the 
unique date values, and is thus equivalent to date, but you don't need
to know the date value.

I'd be happy to hear if this works for you, and I'd be even happier if 
someone takes it from here and makes it a real library tool.

Best regards,


[[ Dr. Martin Schultz   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie    [[
[[                      Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg             [[
[[                      phone: +49 40 41173-308                  [[
[[                      fax:   +49 40 41173-298                  [[
[[ martin.schultz@dkrz.de                                        [[

; NAME: 
;     read_wgrib
;     Read GRIB formatted data files using the wgrib utility
;     (1) Currently supports only grid point fields (record size of
;     spectral fields is a little harder to determine). Use h option
;     with wgrib to get record size!!!!
;     (2) Analysing header is the slowest process: need to improve!!
;     (3) Add code names!! Use gribtab file ....
;     (4) Add dimensional information from grid object ....
;     (5) Rewrite as object ....
;     mgs, 05 Jul 2001 : VERSION 0.1

FUNCTION parse_wgrib_line, line

   ;; Extract the information from one wgrib output line

   ;; Define result structure
   ;;  The inventory consists of several fields separated by colons. The contents
   ;;  of the fields are:
   ;;   1. Record number
   ;;   2. Position in bytes
   ;;   3. Date (YYMMDDHH).
   ;;   4. Parameter name (LAND=land/sea mask)  [not used]
   ;;   5. Indicator of parameter and units (grib PDS octet 9)
   ;;   6. Type of level/layer (grib PDS octet 10)
   ;;   7. Height, pressure, etc (grib PDS octets 11-12)
   ;;   8. Time Range (grib PDS octet 21)
   ;;   9. Period of time 1, (grib PDS octet 19)
   ;;  10. Period of time 2, (grib PDS octet 20)
   ;;  11. Forecast time unit (grib PDS octet 18)
   ;;  12. level
   ;;  13. anl=analysis, fcst=forecast
   ;;  14. NAve (number of grids used to make average)
   ;; Value-added information:
   ;;      timestep : n-th different date value
   ;;      nx, ny   : the grid dimensions for gridded data
   ;;      gridtype : the grid type (4=gaussian)
   ;;      text     : the original string as read from wgrib output

   template = { grib_record, $
                recno:0L, pos:0L, date:'', code:-1L, $
                levtype:0L, type:0L, $
 ;;               TR:0L, p1:0L, p2:0L, TU:0L, $
                level:'', ana_fcst:'', gridav:0L, $
                timestep:-1L, nx:0L, ny:0L, gridtype:-1L, text:'' }

   tags = StrTok(line,':',/extract)
   template.recno    = Long(tags[0])
   template.pos      = Long(tags[1])
   template.date     = StrMid(tags[2],2)
;;   template.codename = Long(tags[3])   ; code name (requires proper
;;                                    ; code table)
   template.code     = Long(StrMid(tags[4],6))
   template.levtype  = Long(StrMid(tags[5],6))
   template.type     = Long(StrMid(tags[6],6))
;   template.tr       = Long(StrMid(tags[7],3))
;   template.p1       = Long(StrMid(tags[8],3))
;   template.p2       = Long(StrMid(tags[9],3))
;   template.tu       = Long(StrMid(tags[10],6))
   template.level    = StrTrim(tags[11],2)
   template.ana_fcst = StrTrim(tags[12],2)
   template.gridav   = Long(StrMid(tags[13],5))
   template.text     = line

   RETURN, template


PRO get_wgrib_extrainfo, metadata, filename, inventoryfile

   ;; Get more specific grid information for individual codes
   ;; Use position parameter from previous scan to avoid lengthy scans
   ucodes = get_wgrib_info(metadata, /CODES)

   FOR i=0L, N_Elements(ucodes)-1 DO BEGIN
      first = ( where(metadata.code EQ ucodes[i]) )[0]
;      cmd = 'echo '+metadata[first].text+' | wgrib -i -V '+filename
      cmd = 'wgrib -V -p '+StrTrim(metadata[first].pos,2)+' '+filename
      spawn, cmd, result
      w = Where(StrPos(result,'nx') GT 0, cnt)
      IF cnt GT 0 THEN BEGIN
         result = result[w[0]]
         p0 = StrPos(result,'nx')
         p1 = StrPos(result,'ny')
         nx = Long(StrMid(result,p0+3,p1-p0-3))

         p0 = p1
         p1 = StrPos(result,'GDS')
         ny = Long(StrMid(result,p0+3,p1-p0-3))

         p0 = StrPos(result,'grid')
         p1 = StrPos(result,'num_in')
         gridtype = Long(StrMid(result,p0+5,p1-p0-5))
         wok = Where(metadata.code EQ ucodes[i])
         metadata[wok].nx = nx
         metadata[wok].ny = ny
         metadata[wok].gridtype = gridtype


FUNCTION get_wgrib_header, inventoryfile, filename

   ;; Analyse header information extracted from wgrib
   OpenR, lun, inventoryfile, /Get_Lun
   line = ''

   count = 0L
   WHILE NOT eof(lun) DO BEGIN
      ReadF, lun, line
      record = parse_wgrib_line(line)
      IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
         metadata = Replicate(record, 1000)
         IF count MOD 1000 EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
            metadata = [ metadata, Replicate(record, 1000) ]
            metadata[count] = record
      count = count + 1
   Free_Lun, lun
   metadata = metadata[0:count-1]

   Message,'Read header information for '+StrTrim(count,2)+' records.',/Info

   ;; Add timestep property:
   ;; Assumption is that each time step is stored with a different
   ;; date value
   dates = metadata.date
   udates = dates[Uniq(dates, sort(dates))]

   FOR i=0L, N_Elements(udates)-1 DO BEGIN
      w = Where(dates EQ udates[i])
      metadata[w].timestep = i+1

   RETURN, metadata

FUNCTION get_wgrib_info, metadata, codes=codes, dates=dates, $
                         timesteps=timesteps, levels=levels

   ;; Return uniq values of properties. Set keyword to return a
   ;; selected property. 

   result = -1L

   IF Keyword_Set(codes) THEN BEGIN
      thecodes = metadata.code
      result = thecodes[Uniq(thecodes, sort(thecodes))]
   IF Keyword_Set(dates) THEN BEGIN
      thedates = metadata.date
      result = thedates[Uniq(thedates, sort(thedates))]
   IF Keyword_Set(timesteps) THEN BEGIN
      thetimesteps = metadata.timestep
      result = thetimesteps[Uniq(thetimesteps, sort(thetimesteps))]
   IF Keyword_Set(levels) THEN BEGIN
      thelevels = metadata.level
      result = thelevels[Uniq(thelevels, sort(thelevels))]
   RETURN, result


FUNCTION get_wgrib_selection, metadata, code=code, date=date, $
                              timestep=timestep, level=level

   ;; Create default result: use all records
   result = Make_Array(N_Elements(metadata),/Long,Value=1L)

   ;; Extract all codes and find out which ones are to be excluded
   IF N_Elements(code) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
      thecodes = metadata.code
      ucodes = thecodes[Uniq(thecodes, sort(thecodes))]
      FOR i=0L, N_Elements(ucodes)-1 DO BEGIN
         wok = Where(code EQ ucodes[i], cnt)
         IF cnt EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
            wexcl = Where(thecodes EQ ucodes[i], cnt)
            IF cnt GT 0 THEN result[wexcl] = 0

   ;; Extract all dates and find out which ones are to be excluded
   IF N_Elements(date) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
      thedates = metadata.date
      udates = thedates[Uniq(thedates, sort(thedates))]
      FOR i=0L, N_Elements(udates)-1 DO BEGIN
         wok = Where(date EQ udates[i], cnt)
         IF cnt EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
            wexcl = Where(thedates EQ udates[i], cnt)
            IF cnt GT 0 THEN result[wexcl] = 0

   ;; Extract all timesteps and find out which ones are to be excluded
   IF N_Elements(timestep) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
      thetimesteps = metadata.timestep
      utimesteps = thetimesteps[Uniq(thetimesteps, sort(thetimesteps))]
      FOR i=0L, N_Elements(utimesteps)-1 DO BEGIN
         wok = Where(timestep EQ utimesteps[i], cnt)
         IF cnt EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
            wexcl = Where(thetimesteps EQ utimesteps[i], cnt)
            IF cnt GT 0 THEN result[wexcl] = 0

   ;; Extract all levels and find out which ones are to be excluded
   IF N_Elements(level) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
      thelevels = metadata.level
      ulevels = thelevels[Uniq(thelevels, sort(thelevels))]
      FOR i=0L, N_Elements(ulevels)-1 DO BEGIN
         wok = Where(level EQ ulevels[i], cnt)
         IF cnt EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
            wexcl = Where(thelevels EQ ulevels[i], cnt)
            IF cnt GT 0 THEN result[wexcl] = 0

   ;; Return everything that's left as an index
   RETURN, Where(result GT 0)


FUNCTION get_wgrib_datarecords, metadata, code, filename, datasize

   ;; Extract selected data for 1 code as binary data and read it into
   ;; memory
   w = Where(metadata.code EQ code, cnt)
   IF cnt EQ 0 THEN Message, ' Nanu??? '
   ;; Create inventory file for wgrib
   OpenW, lun, 'tmpinventory~~', /Get_Lun
   FOR i=0L, N_Elements(w)-1 DO BEGIN
      PrintF, lun, metadata[w[i]].text
   Free_Lun, lun

   ;; Call wgrib to extract data
   cmd = 'wgrib -i -nh '+filename+' < tmpinventory~~'
   spawn,cmd, result
   spawn,'ls -l dump', result
   cmd = 'rm -f tmpinventory~~'
   spawn, cmd, result

   ;; Read binary data
   data = FltArr(datasize)
   OpenR, lun, 'dump', /Get_Lun, /Binary
   ReadU, lun, data
   Free_Lun, lun

   cmd = 'rm -f dump'
   spawn, cmd, result

   RETURN, data


PRO read_wgrib, data, filename=filename, $
                code=code, date=date, timestep=timestep, level=level, $
                metadata=metadata, dims=dims, $

   ;; Default filename
   IF N_Elements(filename) EQ 0 THEN filename = '*'

   Open_File, filename, lun, filename=truename
   Free_Lun, lun

   ;; Get header information
   inventoryfile = 'inventory~~'
   print,'Analysing file '+truename
   cmd = 'rm -f '+inventoryfile
   spawn, cmd, result

   time0 = Systime(1)
   cmd = 'wgrib '+truename+' > '+inventoryfile
   spawn, cmd, result
   time1 = Systime(1)
   print,'Time to scan GRIB header : ',time1-time0,' secs'

   ;; Analyse header information
   metadata = get_wgrib_header(inventoryfile, truename)
   time2 = Systime(1)
   print,'Time to analyse GRIB header : ',time2-time1,' secs'

   ;; Add extra grid information
   get_wgrib_extrainfo, metadata, truename, inventoryfile
   time3 = Systime(1)
   print,'Time to extract extra grid info : ',time3-time2,' secs'
   time2 = time3

   ;; Get record selection
   index = get_wgrib_selection(metadata, code=code, date=date, $
                               timestep=timestep, level=level)

   time3 = Systime(1)
   print,'Time to make record selection : ',time3-time2,' secs'

   ;; Write selected metadata back into inventory file
;   IF index[0] GE 0 THEN BEGIN
;      OpenW, lun, inventoryfile, /Get_Lun
;      FOR i=0L, N_Elements(index)-1 DO PrintF, lun, metadata[index[i]].text
;      Free_Lun, lun
;   ENDIF 

   IF Keyword_Set(header_only) THEN RETURN

   ;; Extract selected records as binary files without header
   ;; Do this code by code and reform result to yield 3D or 4D array

   ;; Get unique codes of selection
   ucodes = get_wgrib_info(metadata[index], /CODES)
   usteps = get_wgrib_info(metadata[index], /TIMESTEPS)

   ;; Get dimensionality for each code (X, Y, Z, T)
   dims = LonArr(4, N_Elements(ucodes))
   datasize = LonArr(N_Elements(ucodes))
   ;; Enter number of selected time steps
   dims[3,*] = N_Elements(usteps)
   FOR i=0L, N_Elements(ucodes)-1 DO BEGIN
      first = ( Where(metadata.code EQ ucodes[i]) )[0]
      IF metadata[first].nx GT 0 THEN dims[0,i] = metadata[first].nx
      IF metadata[first].ny GT 0 THEN dims[1,i] = metadata[first].ny
      ;; Get number of levels
      w = Where(metadata[index].code EQ ucodes[i] AND $
                metadata[index].timestep EQ usteps[0], cnt)
      dims[2,i] = cnt
      datasize[i] = dims[0,i] * dims[1,i] * dims[2,i] * dims[3,i]
;; print,'Dimensions for code ',ucodes[i],' = ',dims[*,i],' Size = ',datasize[i]

   time4 = Systime(1)
   print,'Time to prepare for reading of data : ',time4-time3,' secs'

   ;; Create result structure
   data = { date:get_wgrib_info(metadata[index], /DATES) }
   FOR i=0L, N_Elements(ucodes)-1 DO BEGIN
      IF datasize[i] GT 0 THEN BEGIN
         therecord = get_wgrib_datarecords(metadata[index],ucodes[i],truename,datasize[i])
         therecord = Reform(Reform(therecord,dims[*,i]))
         data = Create_Struct(data, 'code'+StrTrim(ucodes[i],2), therecord )
         time5 = Systime(1)
         print,'Time to read records for code ',ucodes[i],' : ',time5-time4,' secs'
         time4 = time5

   print,'Total time spent in read_wgrib : ',time5-time0,' secs'