Snarf's Garage

1966 Chryslers (Newport, New Yorker, 300, and T&C) and 1929 Hupmobile Photo taken in the 1980's


needs to be fixed

History of my 1966 Newport


I dedication my work and this site to 
the memory of my grandparents & my dad.
Grandparents: mom 10/31/2003 & dad 07/31/2002
Parents: mom 08/03/2017 & dad 10/29/2018
The Story behind the Car
My grandparents where the second owners of this 1966 Chrysler Newport. My great-uncle, my grandpa's brother in-law, purchase this Newport in 1965 site unseen and as a special order from the dealership for $4,532.83. From what I've heard, the hold family laught at him when he brought it home. But he wanted a new car before he dies from his cancer.  His wife (Aunt* Ruthie) gave the car to my grandpa about 3-4 years after my great-uncle passed away for one dollar. She said that it was too big of a car for her. I can only recall the car being at grandparent's house, but this is what I can remember from stories told to me. I still vividly remember smell for the car in my granparent's garage. The car was then sold to my dad for one dollar and then to me for one dollar. 
(For the full History)

Because of my grandparent's fondness for this car,  I now dedicated this project and website in there memory.

Philip (The "Thinker") Narf
         who passed away on July 31, 2002 

Helen (Ahrensmeyer) Narf 
         who passed away on October 31, 2003

In the late 1980's

My parents were hit a rought patch in the late 70's. So my grandparent's sold the car to my dad for one dollar. The car had around 40,000 miles at the time and we just it every day. By the time I garaduated from HS, she have over 150,000 and was rusting too.

Richard Narf
         who passed away on October 29, 2018 

Pat Narf 
         who passed away on August 3, 2017

                  Newport on a car cradle 
May 21, 2000


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Photo taken sometime
              between 1988-89
Photo taken sometime
              between 1988-89
Photo taken sometime
              between 1988-89
Photo taken sometime
              between 1988-89
Photo taken sometime
              between 1988-89
Photo taken sometime
              between 1987-88

              taken sometime between 1987-88

              taken sometime in 1986

              taken sometime in 1986

Snarf's Garage Home to
 1966 Chrysler Newport,  1966 Chrysler Town & County, 1929 Hupmoblie