2024 Program (for reference)

Aug. 27:

Lectures will be held in Chamberlin 2223

8:45-9 AM Coffee
9-10:30 AM – Overview, Elio König
11-12:30 PM – Quantum  spin liquids, Natasha Perkins
2-3:30 PM – Kitaev Spin Liquids and Their Material Realizations: Bridging Theory and Experiment, Natasha Perkins
Lab Tours/Discussions

Reception and Dinner will be held at Steenbock’s on Orchard
Reception: 5:45 – 6:15 PM
Dinner: 6:15 – 8 PM 

Aug. 28:

Lectures will be held in Chamberlin 2223

8:45-9 AM Coffee
9-10:30 AM – Quantum LEGO in 2D flatland, Tiancheng Song
11-12:30 PM – Quantum sensing, Ilya Esterlis
2-3:30 PM – Transport in quantum materials, Alex Levchenko
Lab Tours /Discussions

Aug. 29:

Lectures will be held in Chamberlin 2223

8:45-9 AM Coffee
9-10:30 AM – Superconducting qubits/circuits, Roman Kuzmin
11-12:30 PM – Superconducting qubits–theory, Maxim Vavilov
Lab Tours /Discussions