;+ ; NAME: ; SetFitParm.pro ; ; AUTHOR: ; F.Bringezu, denet - Internetservice, Halle Germany, ; bringezu@denet.de ; ; PURPOSE: ; Provide a widget interface for creating a parinfo structure. ; This parinfo structure can by used by mpfit routines of Craig B. Markwardt. ; ; MAJOR TOPICS: ; Widget, mpfit. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; parinfo=SetFitParm(used_parinfo) ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; SetFitParm creates PARINFO using a widget interface. ; PARINFO provides constraints for paramters used by the mpfit routines. ; ; PARINFO is an array of structures, one for each parameter. ; ; A detailed description can be found in the documentation of mpcurvefit.pro ; This routine creates an array that contains a structure for each element. ; The structure has the following entries. ; ; - VALUE (DOUBLE): The starting parameter ; - FIXED (BOOLEAN): 1 fix the parameter, 0 don't fix it at the ; point given in VALUE. ; - LIMITS (DBLARRAY(2)): Set upper and lower limit. ; - LIMITED (BOOLEAN ARRAY 2): Fix the limit. ; ; ; The parameter OLDPARINFO is optional. OLDPARINFO is used to set ; the default values in the widget. ; ; You can simply run: ; test=SetFitParm() to create the array for the first time. ; Once the array is created it can be used to set the default values ; in the widget by calling ; ; test2=SetFitParm(test) ; ; INPUTS: ; ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; ; OLDFITPARM - The default values of the new array ; ; INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; PARENT - if this widget is to be a child, set this keyword to the ; parent widget ID. ; ; OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; CANCEL - if the user selected the cancel button on the SETFITPARM ; widget, then this keyword will be set upon exit. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; PARINFO array of structures ; ; SEE ALSO: ; mpcurvefit ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, FB, 12/1999 ; Documented, FB, Jan 2000 ; Generalized positioning code, CM 01 Feb 2000 ; ;- ; Copyright (C) 1999, F.Bringezu ; This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. ; Permission to use, copy and distribute unmodified copies for ; non-commercial purposes, and to modify and use for personal or ; internal use, is granted. All other rights are reserved. ;- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; table headline ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; with top labels VALUE AND LIMIT WID_LABEL_6 = Widget_Label(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_LABEL_6' $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=15, XSIZE=42, YSIZE=18 $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT ,VALUE='Value') WID_LABEL_8 = Widget_Label(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_LABEL_8' $ ,XOFFSET=250 ,YOFFSET=15 ,XSIZE=40,YSIZE=18 $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT ,VALUE='Limits') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WID_TEXT_0 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_0' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=40 , VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(0).value),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable,/ALIGN_LEFT) ;;; Amplitude WID_TEXT_1 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_1' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=70, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(1).value),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; X(max) WID_TEXT_2 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_2' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=100, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(2).value),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Width WID_TEXT_3 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_3' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=130,VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(3).value),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Offset WID_TEXT_4 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_4' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=60 ,YOFFSET=160 ,VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(4).value),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Slope ;;;;; Text widgets for lower limits WID_TEXT_5 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_5' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=210 ,YOFFSET=40 ,VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(0).limits(0)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable,/ALIGN_LEFT) ;;; Amplitude WID_TEXT_6 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_6' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=210 ,YOFFSET=70, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(1).limits(0)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; X(max) WID_TEXT_7 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_7' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=210 ,YOFFSET=100,VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(2).limits(0)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Width WID_TEXT_8 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_8' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=210 ,YOFFSET=130, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(3).limits(0)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Offset WID_TEXT_9 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_9' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=210 ,YOFFSET=160 ,VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(4).limits(0)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Slope ;;;;; Text widgets for upper limits WID_TEXT_10 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_10' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=290 ,YOFFSET=40, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(0).limits(1)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable,/ALIGN_LEFT) ;;; Amplitude WID_TEXT_11 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_11' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=290 ,YOFFSET=70, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(1).limits(1)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; X(max) WID_TEXT_12 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_12' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=290 ,YOFFSET=100, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(2).limits(1)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Width WID_TEXT_13 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_13' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=290 ,YOFFSET=130, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(3).limits(1)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Offset WID_TEXT_14 = Widget_Text(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_TEXT_14' ,FRAME=1 $ ,XOFFSET=290 ,YOFFSET=160, VALUE=[strtrim(string(fparm(4).limits(1)),1)] $ ,XSIZE=5 ,YSIZE=1,/editable) ;;; Slope ;;;;;;;;;;;; Container for checkboxes and checkboxes for FIXED ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WID_BASE_2 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_2' $ ,XOFFSET=110 ,YOFFSET=40 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=20 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER , ROW=1 ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_0 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_2,/ALIGN_CENTER,UVALUE='FIX_HEIGHT' $ , VALUE='') ;;; Amplitude WID_BASE_3 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_3' $ ,XOFFSET=110 ,YOFFSET=70 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_1 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_3 ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='FIX_XMAX' $ , VALUE='') ;;; X(max) WID_BASE_4 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1 $ ,XOFFSET=110 ,YOFFSET=100 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER, /NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_2 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_4, /ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='FIX_WIDTH' $ , VALUE='') ;;; Width WID_BASE_5 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_5' $ ,XOFFSET=110 ,YOFFSET=130 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27, /ALIGN_TOP, /BASE_ALIGN_CENTER, /NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_3 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_5, /ALIGN_LEFT, UVALUE='FIX_OFFSET' $ , VALUE='') ;;; Slope WID_BASE_6 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_6' $ , XOFFSET=110 ,YOFFSET=160, XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER, /NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_4 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_6,/ALIGN_LEFT, UVALUE='FIX_SLOPE' $ , value='') ;;; Slope ;;;;;;;;;;;; Container for checkboxes and checkboxes for lower limited ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WID_BASE_7 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_7' $ ,XOFFSET=180 ,YOFFSET=40 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_5 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_7 $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_HEIGHT_LOW', VALUE='') ;;; Height WID_BASE_8 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_8' $ ,XOFFSET=180 ,YOFFSET=70 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_6 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_8 $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_XMAX_LOW', VALUE='') ;;; Xmax WID_BASE_9 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_9' $ ,XOFFSET=180 ,YOFFSET=100 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_7 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_9 $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_WIDTH_LOW', value='') ;;; Width WID_BASE_10 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_10' $ ,XOFFSET=180 ,YOFFSET=130 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_8 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_10, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_8' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_OFFSET_LOW', value= '') ;;; Offset WID_BASE_11 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_11' $ ,XOFFSET=180 ,YOFFSET=160 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_9 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_11, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_9' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_SLOPE_LOW', value='') ;;; Offset ;;;;;;;;;;;; Container for checkboxes and checkboxes for upper limited ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WID_BASE_12 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_12' $ ,XOFFSET=265 ,YOFFSET=40 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_10 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_12, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_10' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_HEIGHT_UP', value='') ;;; Height WID_BASE_13 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_13' $ ,XOFFSET=265 ,YOFFSET=70 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_11 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_13, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_11' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_XMAX_UP', value='') ;;; Xmax WID_BASE_14 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_14' $ ,XOFFSET=265 ,YOFFSET=100 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_12 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_14, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_12' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_WIDTH_UP', value='') ;;; Width WID_BASE_15 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_15' $ ,XOFFSET=265 ,YOFFSET=130 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_13 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_15, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_13' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_OFFSET_UP', VALUE='') ;;; Offset WID_BASE_16 = Widget_Base(WID_BASE_1, UNAME='WID_BASE_16' $ ,XOFFSET=265 ,YOFFSET=160 ,XSIZE=20 ,YSIZE=27 $ ,/ALIGN_TOP ,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER ,TITLE='IDL' ,SPACE=2 ,ROW=1 $ ,/GRID_LAYOUT ,/NONEXCLUSIVE) WID_BUTTON_14 = Widget_Button(WID_BASE_16, UNAME='WID_BUTTON_14' $ ,/ALIGN_LEFT,UVALUE='LIMIT_SLOPE_UP', value='') ;;; Offset ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BUT_BASE=Widget_Base(tlb,Row=1,yoffset=260,xoffset=120,/ALIGN_CENTER) CANCEL=Widget_Button(BUT_BASE,Value='Cancel', UVALUE='Cancel') ACCEPT=Widget_Button(BUT_BASE,Value='Accept', UVALUE='Accept') ; Create a pointer. This will point to the location where the ; information collected from the user will be stored. ptr = Ptr_New({fparm:fparm, Cancel:1}) ; Create info structure to hold information needed in event handler. This info structure containes also the parinfo ; that is used for mpfit. buttons=[WID_BUTTON_0,WID_BUTTON_1,WID_BUTTON_2,WID_BUTTON_3,WID_BUTTON_4,$ WID_BUTTON_5,WID_BUTTON_6,WID_BUTTON_7,WID_BUTTON_8,WID_BUTTON_9,$ WID_BUTTON_10,WID_BUTTON_11,WID_BUTTON_12,WID_BUTTON_13,WID_BUTTON_14,$ CANCEL] text = [WID_TEXT_0,WID_TEXT_1,WID_TEXT_2,WID_TEXT_3,WID_TEXT_4,$ WID_TEXT_5,WID_TEXT_6,WID_TEXT_7,WID_TEXT_8,WID_TEXT_9,$ WID_TEXT_10,WID_TEXT_11,WID_TEXT_12,WID_TEXT_13,WID_TEXT_14] for i=0,4 do begin widget_control,buttons(i),set_button=fparm(i).fixed endfor for i=5,9 do begin widget_control,buttons(i),set_button=fparm(i-5).limited(0) endfor for i=10,14 do begin widget_control,buttons(i),set_button=fparm(i-10).limited(1) endfor info = {buttons:buttons, $ ; Identifier of widget holding buttons (checkboxes). text:text,$ ; Identifier of widget holding textfields. fparm:fparm,$ ; The actual parinfo ptr:ptr} ; The pointer ; Store the info structure in the top-level base Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy Widget_Control, /REALIZE, tlb ; Register the program, set up event loop. Make this program a ; blocking widget. This will allow the program to also be called ; from IDL command line without a PARENT parameter. The program ; blocks here until the entire program is destroyed. XManager, 'SetFitParm', tlb, Event_Handler='SetFitParm_Events' ; OK, newInfo = *ptr Ptr_Free, ptr ; All kinds of things can go wrong now. Let's CATCH them all. Catch, error IF error NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ; If an error occurs, set the CANCEL flag and return -1. ok = Dialog_Message(!Err_String) cancel = 1 RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; If the error flag is set, let's disappear! cancel = newInfo.cancel IF cancel THEN RETURN, FParm ; OK, try to read the data file. Watch out! RETURN, newInfo.FParm END ;*******************************************************************