
Physics 715: Statistical Mechanics, Fall 2008   

2104 Chamberlin Hall
09:55 AM - 10:45 AM, MWF
Maxim G. Vavilov
5318 Chamberlin Hall

K. Huang, "Statistical Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons
L.D. Landau & L.M. Lifshitz, "Statistical Physics, part 1" Pergamon Press

Office hour: Friday 2:30 - 3:30 pm.



  1. Thermodynamic Variables; Laws of Thermodynamic:
    1. Three laws of thermodynamics; 
    2. Thermodynamic Potentials; 
    3. Equation of State and Phase Transitions.
  2. Fundumental Principles of Statistical Mechanics: 
    1. Postulate of Statistical Mechanics; 
    2. Semiclassical Description of Quantum Mechanics; 
    3. Microcanonical Ensemble;
    4. Canonical Ensemble;
    5. Grand Canonical Ensemble.
  3. Dilute Gas: 
    1. Equation of State and Gibbs Paradox; 
    2. Nonideal Gas and Van-der-Vaals formula; 
    3. Liquid-Gas Transition.
  4. Fermi Systems:
    1. Equation of State and Thermodynamic Properties; 
    2. Magnetism of Fermi Gas;
    3. Fermi Liquid;
    4. Superconductivity.
  5. Bose Systems:
    1. Photons and Black Body Radiation;
    2. Bose-Einstein Condensation;
    3. Imperfect Bose Gas and Superfluidity. 
  6. Spin Systems and Ising Model:
    1. Spontaneous Magnetization;
    2. Approximate Solutions;
    3. One-dimensional Ising Model;
    4. Onsager Solution. 
  7. Fluctuations:
    1. Thermodynamic Fluctuations;
    2. Correlations of Fluctuations in Time;
    3. Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem.
  8. Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena:
    1. Order Parameter;
    2. Landau Approach;
    3. Critical Exponents;
    4. Scaling Hypothesis;
    5. Renormalization Group.

Final letter grade will be determined by the homework, two midterm exams and the final take-home exam. Homework assignments will be biweekly. Exam times will be announced later.   


Homework 1, due September 15, 2008
Homework 2, due October 3, 2008            (solutions)
Homework 3, due October 20, 2008          (solutions)
Homework 4, due November 3, 2008        (solutions)
Homework 5, due November 17, 2008      (solutions)
Homework 6, due December 6, 2008        (solutions)

1st midterm exam (November 3)    (solutions)
2nd midterm exam (December 5)   (solutions)

Final exam (take-home, due December 15, 2008)