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Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar
Engaging the flow: a creative dialogue revisited
Date: Tuesday, March 10th
Time: 12:05 pm
Place: 4274 Chamberlin
Speaker: Harry Webne-Behrman, UW Office of Human Resource Development
Abstract: Creative conversations don't mechanically follow 'outline form,' they emerge from the synergies and interactions of participants in hard-to-predict ways. Is there a way to facilitate such dialogues, rather than direct them, so 1 + 1 >2? Is there a way to capture the creative ideas that emerge? Last Fall, the Chaos & Complexity Seminar engaged in a creative dialogue around a broad question with some productive ideas. On this occasion, the group is asked to focus more deeply on one of the issues that emerged from the previous dialogue: "How might UW-Madison best engage its resources to meet the challenge of assuring the "Wisconsin Experience" for its students?" The Wisconsin Experience is intended to result in graduates who have the capacity and commitment to make the world a better place. It is intended to build upon the unique strengths of the UW-Madison community to foster such ideals that have resulted in extraordinary citizens, global activists and volunteers, corporate leaders and others with a special sense of social responsibility and an activated, current sense of the Wisconsin Idea. My intention in this dialogue is to gain participant reflections on this initiative in its pedagogical, research, service, and cultural dimensions. What aspects of this Experience are worth pursuing? Where should resources be emphasized and how might they best be organized to do so? For additional information about this important initiative from Aaron Brower (Vice-Provost for Teaching and Learning) and Lori Berquam (Dean of Students), please visit: -- a summary of the objectives of the Wisconsin Experience is attached, as well. Join us for fascinating conversation and see what happens!
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