UW-Physics Applications Support

Software installers available from UW-Physics:

MS Windows and Office (for University owned computers)

Adobe Creative Cloud (for University owned computers)

Cisco-AMP anti-virus software (for University owned computers)

Software available from UW:

UW Campus Software Library, including free licenses for software such as

  • Labview
  • Mathematica (our license server is mathlm.physics.wisc.edu)
  • Matlab (our license server is matlablm.physics.wisc.edu)
  • Maple

Software that UW-Physics provides as a service (no installation required by you)

Condor – Large scale scientific computing

JupyterHub – Interactive browser-based python notebooks for scientific computing in research and classrooms.

OpenProject – Web-based project management system.

Linux – General purpose Linux environment accessible via ssh.

Please contact help@physics.wisc.edu for getting access to these services.

The UW-Physics IT staff recommends and supports the following software…

For reading PDF files: Acrobat

For high throughput batch computing: Condor

For compiling C, C++ and Fortran code: GNU Compilers

For data acquisition and instrument automation: LabVIEW

For numerical and symbolic computations: Mathematica
(The Department license server is mathlm.physics.wisc.edu.)

For remote logins and file copying on Linux and MacOS-X: OpenSSH

For remote logins on Windows: SecureCRT

For remote file copying on Windows: WinSCP

For anti-virus: Cisco-AMP (University owned computers), DoIT’s recommendations (for personally owned computers)