Events at Physics |
Events on Thursday, February 18th, 2021
- Graduate Program Event
- Prospective Ph.D. Student VIRTUAL Visit Day
- Place: Virtual
- Speaker: PhD Program Faculty & Graduate Students, UW-Madison, Department of Physics
- Abstract: All admitted Ph.D. students for Fall 2021 will be invited for prospective student virtual visit days. Graduate students and faculty will receive more information as the dates approach.
- Host: Michelle Holland, Graduate Program Coordinator
- Cosmology Journal Club
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Abstract: Cosmology Journal Club is back! We will be having virtual meetings this semester.
Each week, we start with a couple scheduled 15 minute talks about one's research, or an arXiv paper. The last 30 minutes will typically be open to the group for anyone to discuss an arXiv paper.
All are welcome and all fields of cosmology are appropriate.
Contact Ross Cawthon, cawthon@wisc, for more information.
Zoom info
Meeting ID: 93592708053, passcode: cmbadger
Or click:
- Astronomy Colloquium
- Looking at the Universe through gravitational lenses
- Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- Place: Zoom meeting(see Abstract ) Coffee and tea 3:30pm, Talk 3:45pm
- Speaker: Lindsay King, University of Texas-Dallas
- Abstract: Massive objects distort space-time, acting as gravitational lenses and distorting light bundles traveling to us from distant sources. Distinctive lensing signatures, including multiple or slightly stretched images of distant galaxies, are seen on the electromagnetic (EM) sky. Most of the matter in the Universe is dark; importantly, these lensing signatures allow us to map and weigh matter in massive objects, irrespective of whether it is luminous or dark. We start with an overview of the principles of lensing, some of the signatures seen on the EM sky on different scales in the Universe, and some of the conclusions that resulted.
One example that we will discuss is our investigation of the dark and luminous matter in a rare and extremely energetic collision between two giant clusters of galaxies, using lensing and other astrophysical data.
Theoretical work has shown that gravitational waves (GW) are also gravitationally lensed. We briefly describe the expected impact of lensing on the GW sky that will be seen with the future LISA space-based detector, and our current research on this topic.
Web Link:
- Host: Tae Sun Kim UW Astronomy Department