Events at Physics |
Events on Friday, February 7th, 2025
- Climate & Diversity
- Diversity Forum Fridays
- Diversity Forum Fridays! 2/7/5: Your Brain is Good at Inclusion…Except When It’s Not
- Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- Place: Chamberlin 5310 and Zoom
- Abstract: This is part of a series of events hosted by the Climate and Diversity committee this semester.
First up is an series of events that we are calling ‘Diversity Forum Fridays.’ For over 20 years, UW–Madison has hosted the annual Diversity Forum for participants to engage in discourse and education on contemporary issues related to creating equitable and inclusive learning and working environments. 2024 Theme: Threads of Belonging: Navigating Differences and Building Community. During this campus-wide event, there are a wide variety of sessions that provide an opportunity to learn more about a topic and explore themes in a meaningful and intentional way. For the Spring semester, the we planned to review and discuss sessions from this event. - Host: Rachel Zizmann
- Climate & Diversity
- Diversity Forum Fridays
- Diversity Forum Fridays! 2/7/5: Your Brain is Good at Inclusion…Except When It’s Not
- Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- Place: Chamberlin 5310 and Zoom
- Abstract: This is part of a series of events hosted by the Climate and Diversity committee this semester.
First up is an series of events that we are calling ‘Diversity Forum Fridays.’ For over 20 years, UW–Madison has hosted the annual Diversity Forum for participants to engage in discourse and education on contemporary issues related to creating equitable and inclusive learning and working environments. 2024 Theme: Threads of Belonging: Navigating Differences and Building Community. During this campus-wide event, there are a wide variety of sessions that provide an opportunity to learn more about a topic and explore themes in a meaningful and intentional way. For the Spring semester, the we planned to review and discuss sessions from this event. - Host: Rachel Zizmann
- Black and Brown in Physics
- General Meeting
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Place: Sterling B343
- Abstract: The Black and Brown in Physics (BBiP) student organization would like to invite you to our first General Meeting of the Spring 2025 semester! It will take place this upcoming Friday (2/7) from 1-2 PM in Sterling B343. Everyone is invited! We will have snacks! In honor of February being Black History month, and in light of recent events, we plan to dedicate this meeting to talk about the history of black education, and white supremacy in physics. We will follow this up with smaller group discussions on individual experiences, and ways to be more accountable/actionable when it comes to combating racism within our communities. However, dedicating a single meeting/discussion on this will not enough to solve all problems, which is why we will focus on brainstorming and setting more long-term goals for ourselves to create impactful change. We hope that you can join us! Here is the Zoom info for those who will be joining online: Meeting ID: 938 1064 2719 Passcode: 400290
- Host: Black and Brown in Physics
- Physics Department Colloquium
- Entanglement of Astrophysical Neutrinos - APS Bethe Prize Talk
- Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Place: 2241 CH
- Speaker: Prof. Baha Balantekin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Host: Mark Saffman
- Astronomy Colloquium
- Science Communication Talk
- Science Communication: It's Not About You.
- Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Place: 4421 Sterling Hall
- Speaker: Dr. Michelle Thaller, NASA
- Abstract: One of the biggest challenges I have faced in developing scientists to be good (effective) communicators is getting them out of their own heads and back into the real world. The first question we begin with is, "are you honestly interested in communicating your science, or is this really about something you need to prove about yourself?" Whether it's a public talk, a mission proposal, or a conference session, there are techniques that can help you make a connection to your audience -practices that we know work. It isn't even all that difficult, but it requires stepping outside the established culture of science.
- Host: Melinda Soares-Furtado