Organized by: Prof. Lu Lu
Probing hadronic interactions with atmospheric leptons
Date: Thursday, May 7th
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Place: 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Anatoli Fedynitch, Karlsruhe
Abstract: Inclusive fluxes of muons and neutrinos in the atmosphere provide a continuous source of information about the spectrum and composition of cosmic rays interacting with air nuclei. Furthermore, measurements of the fluxes allow us to learn more about hadronic interactions in phase space regions not accessible at high-energy colliders. Using an accurate and flexible solution of the coupled cascade equations, called matrix-method, it is possible to study numerically the connection between atmospheric muon observations and measurements made at fixed-target or collider experiments. I will present the status of lepton
flux calculations using different interaction models and primary cosmic ray flux assumptions. Emphasis is put on the role of hadronic interactions by discussing the importance of different phase-space regions, particle species and interaction energies for the prediction of atmospheric lepton fluxes.
Host: Paolo Desiati
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