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Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology)
The Surprising Emergent Phenomena of Perturbative QCD
Date: Tuesday, February 23rd
Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Place: 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Andrew Larkoski, Harvard University
Abstract: The standard lore says that the only observables that are calculable within perturbation theory in QCD or any gauge theory are those that are infrared and collinear safe. Recently, we have discovered observables that are not infrared and collinear safe, yet are calculable in perturbation theory when all orders effects are included. We refer to these observables as Sudakov safe and unlike infrared and collinear safe observables, their distributions have non-analytic dependence on the coupling. In this talk, I will discuss one Sudakov safe observable which exhibits independence on the coupling and manifests the universal collinear splitting functions.
Host: Yang Bai
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