Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminars |
Events During the 2020 Fall Semester
August 2020
September 2020
- Monday, September 14th
- Mitsuo Oka, Scientist at Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Electron Scattering by Low-frequency Whistler Waves at Earth’s Bow Shock
- 12:00 pm; VIRTUAL, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, September 21st
- M.J. Pueschel, Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research & Eindhoven University of Technology
- Using Fundamental Turbulence Saturation to Improve Fast Transport Frameworks
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, September 28th
- Dr. Alberto Loarte, Head of Science Division of the ITER Organization
- in present experiments
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
October 2020
- Monday, October 5th
- Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Core transport model validation towards building the physics basis for the SPARC tokamak
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting
- Monday, October 12th
- Damiano Caprioli, Assistant Professor University of Chicago
- A Novel Theory of Particle Acceleration at Shocks
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, October 19th
- Dr. Ari Le, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Magnetic reconnection under the microscope: 3D PIC simulations of reconnecting current sheets
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, October 26th
- Prof. Daniel Lecoanet, Northwestern University
- Zonal Flow Generation by Convectively Excited Waves
- 12:00 pm; Zoom meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
November 2020
- Monday, November 2nd
- Dr. Marc Swisdak, University of Maryland
- Magnetic Reconnection and the Acceleration of Electrons in Macroscale Systems
- 12:00 pm; ZOOM Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, November 16th
- Dr. Ammar Hakim , Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- From SOL turbulence to planetary magnetospheres: computational plasma physics at (almost) all scales using the Gkeyll code
- 12:00 pm; ZOOM Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, November 23rd
- Piero Martin, University of Padova and Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy; DTT Consortium, Frascati, Italy
- Science Basis and Present Status of the new Divertor Tokamak Test facility
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry
- Monday, November 30th
- Brendan Lyons, General Atomics
- Predicting Stability and Performance of Tokamak Plasmas Using Flexible, Integrated Modeling
- 12:00 pm; online, hosted by Paul Terry
December 2020
- Monday, December 7th
- Edward Hinson, UW Engineering Physics department
- Demonstration of helium exhaust enhancement during resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) field application at DIII-D
- 12:00 pm; Zoom Meeting, hosted by Paul Terry