
M.S. In Physics – Quantum Computing Events

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Events During the Week of October 23rd through October 30th, 2022

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Actions to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in science
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Place: Zoom (registration required)
Speaker: Candace Harris + Rowan Thomson, Carleton University
Abstract: There's growing awareness of the lack of diversity in science and the presence of barriers to inclusion. What factors lead to disparities in representation? Why should we be motivated to effect change? What can we do to change things? Will our actions really make a difference?

This presentation will focus on ideas to challenge the status quo – actions to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). We will discuss recent research to illustrate and raise awareness of the many EDI challenges in science, then explore various practical ways to take action to advance EDI. These practical actions stem from our recently released "Science is For Everyone" Teaching toolkit, which provides an abundance of ideas to diversify science education and further support recruitment, retention, and advancement of all students. We will touch on the importance of diversifying content and talk about how Indigenous content is being brought into post-secondary science courses. Finally, we will give an overview of other exciting science EDI initiatives across research and academic life.

Zoom Registration required:
Host: Institute for Quantum Computing
Attachments: poster.pdf
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Molecular Quantum Photonics
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Place: 2401 Chemistry (enter in new North Tower, 2nd floor)
Speaker: Alex S. Clark, Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, University of Bristol
Abstract: Single organic molecules have recently seen increased interest for use as single photon sources [1]. They emit photons with high efficiency and at favourable wavelengths for coupling to other quantum systems, such as alkali atoms [2]. I will present our recent work on growing various mixed molecular crystals [3,4] which show promise for interfacing with rubidium and potassium atoms. I will discuss methods that can be used to tune molecule emission via both applied electric fields and the application of strain [5]. We have recently shown that subsequent photons emitted by a single molecule can undergo quantum interference at a beam splitter [6], which is a useful tool in optical quantum computing and communication. I will discuss how the indistinguishability of photons can not only be ascertained employing pulsed excitation, which is commonly carried out for single quantum emitters, but can also be found via continuous wave excitation as long as measurements are carried out at more than one excitation power. While the excitation of molecules and their subsequent radiative emission is efficient [7], the generated photons can be difficult to collect. There is therefore a large amount of ongoing work on coupling organic molecules to nanophotonic structures to modify their emission. The simplest photonic structure one can imagine is an integrated optical waveguide. I will discuss methods to deposit and evanescently couple molecules to waveguides, and present a hybrid plasmonic structure that has shown recent promise [8]. Evanescent coupling has limitations as the molecules cannot sit at the maximum of the vacuum electric field of the waveguide. I will present our recent work on coupling molecules to interrupted waveguides using on chip micro-capillaries [9]. Finally, I will discuss our future plans to couple molecules to enhance this coupling through the use of nanophotonic cavities.

[1] C. Toninelli et al., Nature Materials 20, 1615-1628 (2021).
[2] P. Siyushev et al., Nature 509, 66-70 (2014).
[3] R. C. Schofield et al., Optical Materials Express 10, 1586-1596 (2020).
[4] R. C. Schofield et al., ChemPhysChem 23, e202100809 (2022).
[5] A. Fasoulakis et al., submitted (2022).
[6] R. C. Schofield et al., Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013037 (2022).
[7] P. Ren et al., Chinese Physics Letters 20, 073602 (2022).
[8] S. Grandi et al., APL Photonics 4, 086101 (2019).
[9] S. Boissier et al., Nature Commun. 12, 706 (2021).
Host: Randall Goldsmith, Chemistry
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Tuesday, October 25th, 2022

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Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

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Thursday, October 27th, 2022

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Friday, October 28th, 2022

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