Organized by: Prof. Lu Lu
gFEX: A Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger for ATLAS at the Run3 LHC (and beyond)
Date: Tuesday, March 12th
Time: 2:15 pm
Place: 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Sabine Lammers , University of Indiana-Bloomington
Abstract: The Global Feature Extractor (gFEX) subsystem of the ATLAS Level 1 Calorimeter trigger is intended to enhance the selectivity of the L1 trigger and increase sensitivity to key physics channels. The gFEX identifies large-radius jets, typical of Lorentz-boosted objects, by means of wide-area jet algorithms refined with subjet information. The architecture of the gFEX permits event-by-event local pileup suppression for these jets using baseline subtraction techniques comparable to those developed for offline analyses. The gFEX architecture is also suitable for other global event algorithms such as missing Et and centrality-related variables.
Host: Kevin Black
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