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Events During the Week of November 26th through December 2nd, 2017

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar
Magnetic monopoles on cosmic scales
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Place: Chamberlin 2241
Speaker: Prof. Mikhail Medvedev, University of Kansas
Abstract: Existing theoretical and observational constraints on the abundance of magnetic monopoles are limited. In this talk, we will demonstrate that an ensemble of monopoles forms a plasma whose properties are well determined. The collective effects -- the benchmark of an electromagnetic plasma -- place new tight constraints on the cosmological abundance of monopoles. In particular, the existence of micro-Gauss magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and radio relics implies that the cosmological density parameter of monopoles is well below unity, which precludes them from being the dark matter. Furthermore, we will discuss that the monopole plasma may reveal itself on the sky as "zebra patterns" of an alternating magnetic field and may even be responsible for origin of the observed magnetic fields in galaxy clusters.
Host: Stanislav Boldyrev
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Council Meeting
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: 2314 Chamberlin Hall
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Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar
Activation versus information in visual working memory
Time: 12:05 pm - 1:00 pm
Place: 4274 Chamberlin (refreshments will be served)
Speaker: Brad Postle, UW Department of Psychology
Abstract: Working memory refers to the ability to hold a small amount of information in mind, to manipulate it, and to use it to guide behavior. Individual differences in working memory capacity predict a wide range of psychometric and real-world outcomes, from general fluid intelligence to standardized testing performance to lifetime earning potential. "Working memory" is also often used, particularly by cautious psychologists and neuroscientists, as a proxy for the 'contents of consciousness.' This talk will address recent work -- using brain imaging (fMRI and EEG), brain stimulation (TMS), and computational modeling -- that challenges the longstanding assumption that for information to be held in working memory, it must be held in an active state.
Host: Clint Sprott
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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum
The Rise of the Leptons: Pulsar Emission Dominates the TeV Sky
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Place: 4274 Chamberlin
Speaker: Tim Linden, CCAP, Ohio State University
Abstract: Recent HAWC observations have found extended TeV emission coincident<br><br>
with the Geminga and Monogem pulsars. In this talk, I will show that<br><br>
these detections have significant implications for our understanding<br><br>
of pulsar emission. First, the spectrum and intensity of these TeV<br><br>
Halos indicates that a large fraction of the pulsar spindown energy is<br><br>
efficiently converted into electron-positron pairs. This provides<br><br>
observational evidence supporting pulsar interpretations of the rising<br><br>
positron fraction observed by PAMELA and AMS-02. Second, the isotropic<br><br>
nature of this emission provides a new avenue for detecting nearby<br><br>
pulsars with radio beams that are not oriented towards Earth. Lastly,<br><br>
I will show that the total emission from all unresolved pulsars<br><br>
produces the majority of the TeV gamma-ray flux observed from the<br><br>
Milky Way.
Host: Francis Halzen
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Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

Department Meeting
Department Meeting - CANCELLED
Time: 12:15 pm
Place: 5310 Chamberlin Hall
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Thursday, November 30th, 2017

R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar
From Cat State to Entangled Cat State – Experimental Realization in Circuit QED
Time: 10:00 am
Place: 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Chen Wang, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Abstract: Quantum superpositions of distinct coherent states in a single-mode harmonic oscillator have been known as the (Schrödinger) cat states, drawing analogy between the quasi-classical nature of a coherent state to the state of a macroscopic entity. Creation and control of such cat states have been a hallmark of the modern quantum control era and lay the foundation for an interesting class of oscillator-based quantum information processing scheme. Here we take one step further and present experimental demonstration of entangled cat state of electromagnetic fields in two microwave cavities bridged by a superconducting artificial atom. We present full quantum state tomography of this two-mode cat state over a Hilbert space exceeding 100 dimensions via quantum non-demolition measurements of the joint photon number parity. The ability to manipulate such multi-cavity quantum states paves the way for logical operations between redundantly encoded qubits for fault-tolerant quantum computation and communication.
Host: Vavilov
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Phenomenology Seminar
Higgs and superparticle mass predictions from the string theory landscape
Time: 3:30 pm
Place: 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Howie Baer, University of Oklahoma
Abstract: Assuming a fertile patch of the string theory landscape leading to a low energy effective
theory consisting of the MSSM+hidden sector N=1, d=4 supergravity, we derive probability distributions for Higgs and sparticle masses.
These predictions explain why there seems to be a m(weak)-m(susy) Little hierarchy and why so far no SUSY signal has been seen at LHC. They also provide guidance for future accelerator and dark matter searches.
Finally, they contradict the common misconception that string theory is not predictive.
Host: Vernon Barger
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Astronomy Colloquium
Studying the Role of Magnetic Fields in Star Formation from the Stratosphere
Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Place: 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and Cookies at 3:30 PM, Talk Begins 3:45 PM
Speaker: Laura Fissel, NRAO
Abstract: Whether magnetic fields influence the formation and evolution of molecular clouds remains a key open question in our understanding of the star formation process. Maps of polarized thermal dust emission can be used to create “portraits” of magnetic field morphology, yet observing through the Earth’s atmosphere has long restricted polarimeters to map small areas or extremely bright clouds. In this talk I will discuss results from a survey of the young giant molecular cloud Vela C with the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-mm Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol). Operating from the upper stratosphere above 99.5% of the atmosphere BLASTPol created the most detailed magnetic field map ever made of a giant molecular cloud. By applying the same statistical analysis techniques to both our Vela C data and synthetic observations of MHD cloud formation models we find that the magnetic field of Vela C is likely significantly inclined with respect to the plane-of-the-sky. Comparisons between magnetic field orientation traced by BLASTPol and elongation of column density and molecular line map structures also indicate that the large-scale magnetic field of Vela C is strong enough to influence the cloud gas dynamics. With a new generation polarimeters (e.g. BLAST-TNG, TolTEC) we will soon be able to apply the same analysis techniques to dozens of clouds at even higher resolution, providing important constraints on the role of magnetic fields in star and planet formation.
Host: Eric Wilcots
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Friday, December 1st, 2017

Physics Department Colloquium
Breaking the Myth of the "Non-Traditional" Physicist: The Real Story About Employment for Physics Graduates
Time: 3:30 pm
Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Crystal Bailey , American Physical Society
Abstract: Physics degree holders are among the most employable in the world, often doing everything from managing a research lab at a multi-million dollar corporation, to developing solutions to global problems in their own small startups. Science and Technology employers know that with a physics training, a potential hire has acquired a broad problem-solving skill set that translates to almost any environment, as well as an ability to be self-guided and -motivated so that they can teach themselves whatever is needed to be successful at achieving their goals. Therefore it's no surprise that the majority of physics graduates find employment in private--sector, industrial settings. At the same time, only about 25% of graduating PhDs will take a permanent faculty position--yet academic careers are usually the only track to which students are exposed while earning their degrees.

In this talk, I will explore less-familiar (but more common!) career paths for physics graduates, and will provide information on resources to boost your career planning and job hunting skills.
Host: Alex Levchenko
Attachments: Bio Pic 3.jpg
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Family Science Night at Space Place
IceCube at Family Science Night at Space Place
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Space Place- 2300 S Park St
Speaker: IceCube researchers
Abstract: IceCube will have a station during Space Place's family science night. We will have hands-on activities such as ice drilling and a cosmic messenger bean bag toss!
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IceCube at Space Place Science Night
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Space Place- 2300 S Park St
Speaker: IceCube scientists and researchers
Abstract: IceCube will be at Space Place's Family Science Night on Friday December 1st from 6:00-8:00pm. This science night will have a lot of interactive stations including IceCube's hands-on activites such as a Cosmic Messenger bean bag toss! We will be there to teach children and adults about the strangest and biggest telescope in the world!

For more info about the Science Night go to: <a href=""></a>
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