Wisconsin Quantum Institute |
Events During the Week of April 30th through May 7th, 2023
Monday, May 1st, 2023
- No events scheduled
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
- No events scheduled
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
- Photon-photon interaction in a nonlinear photonic circuit
- Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
- Place: Engineer Hall-4610
- Speaker: Prof. Kejie Fang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Abstract: Interaction between individual photons forms the foundation of gate-based optical quantum computing among other quantum-enabled technologies. Quantum emitter-mediated photon interactions are fundamentally constrained by stringent operation conditions and the available photon wavelength and bandwidth, posing difficulty in upscaling and practical applications. It is a long-standing goal to realize interactions between individual photons using the more engineerable bulk optical nonlinearity, such as chi2 and chi3. I will describe the first observation of photon-photon interaction mediated by a virtual photon in an integrated photonic circuit with a substantial chi2 nonlinearity and the resulting quantum correlations of transported photons including photon repulsion and attraction. These results represent a significant leap in nonlinear optics and quantum photonics, transcending the longtime paradigm of parametric nonlinear processes and paving the way towards strongly interacting photons in bulk nonlinear systems. Moreover, I will talk about using such integrated photonic platform with extreme nonlinearity for nonlinearity-enabled quantum network protocols.
Thursday, May 4th, 2023
- SQUID-Based Broadband Microwave Isolator
- Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Place: 5310 Chamberlin
- Speaker: Matt Beck, IBM Yorktown Heights
- Abstract: As superconducting quantum processors grow in size and complexity, so must the peripheral hardware required for the control and readout of such processors. One singular piece of hardware common to superconducting quantum processors setups is the microwave isolator. Current microwave isolator technology can be generally understood in the context of timereversal symmetry breaking via the use of ferrite materials. While generally exhibiting wide (> GHz) bandwidths and large (>20 dB) directionality, these ferrite-based devices are physically large with volumes exceeding 15 cm^3. These devices can also introduce uncontrolled magnetic fields at or near the quantum processor resulting in deleterious effects such as frequency shifts, excess flux noise, or flux vortex formation. For quantum processors at scale to achieve quantum advantage, a replacement must be found. In this talk, I will describe work towards the realization of a superconducting broadband microwave isolator utilizing DC-SQUIDs. I will detail how, with appropriate application of microwave flux drives, the non-linear inductance of the SQUIDs allows for power at the signal frequency travelling in the forward direction to be three-wave mixed and back resulting in constructive interference and near unity transmission. I will also show how, in the reverse direction, the same mixing process results in destructive interference and thus suppression of the signal frequency. Data will be presented on a variety of nanofabricated devices. The data show excellent model-hardware correlation where directionality greater than 15 dB at bandwidths approaching 700 MHz with minimal added insertion loss is achieved. Finally, further extensions of the work will be discussed on how to achieve commercial levels of isolation and the realization of a fully superconducting replacement of commercial ferrite isolators.
- Host: Robert McDermott
Friday, May 5th, 2023
- No events scheduled