Events at Physics |
Events on Friday, October 16th, 2020
- Graduate Introductory Seminar (Physics 701)
- Probing the early universe with new data and new computational methods
- Time: 12:05 pm - 12:55 pm
- Place: BBCollaborate
- Speaker: Moritz Munchmeyer, UW Madison Department of Physics
- Host: Sridhara Dasu
- Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology)
- Islands, cosmology, and baby universes
- Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Place: For zoom link, sign up at:
- Speaker: Arjun Kar, University of British Columbia
- Abstract: I will present a "minimal" model of black hole evaporation which uses replica wormholes and the island formula to recover the unitary Page curve. This model combines advantageous features of previous models of evaporation to give a more flexible formalism. As an example of its flexibility, I will discuss its application to de Sitter black holes, where the island formula yields results which seem to be in tension with some old expectations about quantum gravity in de Sitter space. Finally, time permitting, I will describe more general implications of wormholes in the gravitational path integral by extending a toy model of Marolf and Maxfield to include spin structure. The inclusion of spin structure presents interesting complications when constructing the baby universe Hilbert space, as well as the dual of a single boundary theory.
- Host: Lars Aalsma
- Department Coffee Hour
- Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Place:
- Abstract: Join us weekly for an informal virtual coffee hour! Catch up with others in the department, tell us how things are going, and impress everyone with your Zoom background skills. Coffee Hour is open to any and all faculty, staff, and students in the department. Sometimes we have a topic, and we'll try to get that topic posted here in advance or sent out by email before each coffee hour.
- Host: Department