R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminars |
Events During the 2019 Fall Semester
August 2019
- Thursday, August 22nd
- Stephen Gill
- Engineering Superconductivity in Semiconductor Nanowires for Quantum Device Applications
- 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Eriksson
September 2019
- Thursday, September 12th
- Songci Li , UW-Madison
- Transport properties of a compensated metal: the Lorentz ratio and the absence of mass renormalization near a Pomeranchuk quantum critical point
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Alex Levchenko
- Thursday, September 19th
- Wayne Huang, Northwestern University
- Optical control of free-electron decoherence
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Saffman
- Thursday, September 26th
- Vlad Pribiag, University of Minnesota
- Spin transport in ferromagnet-InSb nanowire quantum devices
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Alex Levchenko
October 2019
- Thursday, October 3rd
- Uwe Bergmann, Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Science Opportunities with Powerful New X-ray Sources
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Gilbert
- Tuesday, October 8th
- Dr. Çaglar Girit, College de France
- Spectroscopy with Josephson Junctions
- 11:00 am; 4274 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Brar
- Thursday, October 10th
- Yu Chen , Google
- Quantum computing with superconducting circuits
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin, hosted by Alex Levchenko
- Thursday, October 31st
- Dr. Ivan Pechenezhskiy , University of Maryland
- Wrestling with ultrastrongly coupled parasitic modes in circuit quantum electrodynamics
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by McDermott
November 2019
- Thursday, November 7th
- Dr. Rick Silver, NIST
- Atom-based Silicon Devices for Quantum Technologies
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Eriksson
- Thursday, November 14th
- Kenny Rudinger, Sandia National Laboratory
- Benchmarking near-term quantum information processors
- 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Joynt
December 2019
- Thursday, December 12th
- Dr. Yuri Alexeev, Argonne Argonne National Laboratory
- Quantum combinatorial optimization algorithms
- 1:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Saffman
- Friday, December 13th
- Michael Murrell, Yale
- Thermodynamics away from equilibrium: Watching biological systems break time reversal symmetry
- 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall , hosted by Pupa Gilbert