Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology) |
Events During the 2021 Spring Semester
January 2021
- Friday, January 29th
- Chandramouli Chowdhury, ICTS, Bangalore
- A physical protocol to obtain information in quantum gravity
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
February 2021
- Friday, February 5th
- Gerben Venken, Heidelberg University
- Phenomenological and Quantum Gravity constraints from Charged Black Hole Evaporation in de Sitter Space
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, February 12th
- Nicholas Orlofsky, Carleton University
- Phenomenology of Magnetic Black Holes
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, February 19th
- Jakob Moritz, Cornell University
- Resolving spacetime singularities in flux compactifications and KKLT
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, February 26th
- Guilherme Pimentel, Leiden University & University of Amsterdam
- Decoding and bootstrapping cosmological fluctuations
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
March 2021
- Friday, March 5th
- Jordi Salvadó, University of Barcelona
- Long Range Interactions in Cosmology: Implications for Neutrinos
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, March 12th
- Djuna Croon, TRIUMF
- New Physics and the Black Hole Mass Gap
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, March 19th
- Christina Gao, Fermilab
- Axion Searches with two Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, March 26th
- Gustavo Marques Tavares, University of Maryland
- Gamma-ray flashes from dark photons in neutron star mergers
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
April 2021
- Friday, April 2nd
- Scott Melville, University of Cambridge
- Beyond Lorentz's Lamp-post: Amplitude Techniques for Cosmology
- 10:00 am - 11:00 am; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, April 16th
- Yanou Cui, UC Riverside
- The Impact of a Midband Gravitational Wave Experiment On Detectability of Cosmological Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
- Friday, April 23rd
- Raffaele-Tito D'Agnolo, Université Paris-Saclay
- The Weak Scale as a Trigger
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm; For zoom link, sign up at: , hosted by Lars Aalsma
May 2021