
Events at Physics

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Events During the 2016 Summer Semester

May 2016

   Monday, May 2nd
Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm; 1153 Mechanical Engineering
Pedestal-to-wall 3D plasma edge modeling using EMC3-EIRENE, Dr. Jeremy Lore, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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   Tuesday, May 3rd
Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:05 pm - 1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall (refreshments will be served)
Year-end celebration
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   Thursday, May 5th
Cosmology Journal Club ; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:05 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and cookies 3:30, Talk begins 3:45
Precision Stellar Astrophysics: Asteroseismology and Large Spectroscopic Surveys, Dr. Marc Pinsonneault, Ohio State University
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Theory Seminar (High Energy/Cosmology); 3:30 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Electroweak inos, natural SUSY and HL-LHC, Howard Baer
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Careers for Physicists; 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Career Panel with Physics Board of Visitors Members, Various BOV members
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   Friday, May 6th
 Physics Department Colloquium, Distinguished Alumni Award Winner;
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm)
A Search for Space-Time Correlations from the Planck Scale with the Fermilab Holometer, Steve Meyer, The University of Chicago
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   Tuesday, May 10th
Atomic Physics Seminar; 10:00 am; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Imaging metabolism with hyperpolarized nuclei, Dr. Stephen Kadlecek, University of Pennsylvania
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   Wednesday, May 11th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 10:00 am - 11:00 am; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
Neutrino mass limits from galaxy surveys and implications for particle physics, Viviana Niro, Madrid, Autonoma U. & Madrid, IFT
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Department Meeting
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Union South - check TITU for room location
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   Thursday, May 12th
R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am - 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Measurement of resistance induced by a single potassium atom on chiral-angle known nanotubes: understanding the impact of a model scatterer for nanoscale sensors, Prof. Masa Ishigami, U. Central Florida
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Cosmology Journal Club ; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5242 Chamberlin Hall
An Informal discussion about a broad variety of arXiv papers related to Cosmology
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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm; 5248 Chamberlin Hall
A Fast Radio Burst Host Galaxy, David Kaplan, UW - Milwaukee
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Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall, Coffee and Cookies 3:30 PM, Talk at 3:45 PM
The role of cosmic rays in stellar and supermassive black hole feedback, Mateusz Ruszkowski, University of Michigan, Department of Astronomy
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   Friday, May 13th
Undergraduate Graduation Reception; 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
, Albrecht Karle, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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   Tuesday, May 17th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin
CMB Polarization Measurements: Cutting the trail to CMB-S4, Darcy Barron, University of California, Berkeley
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   Wednesday, May 18th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
HAWC: A New View of the Very High Energy Sky, Tom Weisgarber
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   Friday, May 27th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 11:00 am; Room 4274
Leptophilic Dark Matter searches with XENON100 detector, Mayra Cervantes, Purdue University
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June 2016

   Wednesday, June 1st
High Energy Seminar; 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
US CMS Phase 2 Trigger Workshop
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   Thursday, June 2nd
High Energy Seminar; 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
US CMS Phase 2 Trigger Workshop
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R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
Prototyping Extensible Quantum Computing Architectures, Prof. Matteo Mariantoni, U. Waterloo and the Institute for Quantum Computing
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   Tuesday, June 21st
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Section on Water with Zero Outgoing Pions, Tianlu Yuan, University of Colorado
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July 2016

   Thursday, July 14th
Atomic Physics Seminar; 11:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
Vector light shift in optical atomic magnetometers with alkali atoms, Lena Zhivun, Berkeley
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   Tuesday, July 26th
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
Neutrino Signal of Collapse-Induced Thermonuclear Supernovae: The Case for Prompt Black Hole Formation in SN1987A, Kfir Blum, Weizmann Institute
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   Thursday, July 28th
Physics Education Innovation Seminar; 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Review of the Summer 2016 AAPT Meeting in Sacramento, Tor Odden, UW - Madison Department of Curriculum and Instruction
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August 2016

   Monday, August 1st
NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
From Daya Bay to JUNO: Solving the Last Unknowns in Neutrino Physics, Wei Wang, JUNO Spokesperson, Sun Yat-sen Univeristy
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   Thursday, August 4th
R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am - 12:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
Condensed Matter Theory Thesis Defense
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   Wednesday, August 17th
 High Energy Seminar, * ROOM CHANGED*;
11:00 am; 4274 Chamberlin hall
Discovery of Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC, C.S. Kim
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   Wednesday, August 24th
High Energy Seminar; 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Multi-Boson Interactions,, various
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   Thursday, August 25th
High Energy Seminar; 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Multi-Boson Interactions,, various
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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 2:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin hall
High-energy astrophysical neutrinos: testing ground for new physics, Mauricio Bustamante, Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP), The Ohio State University
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   Friday, August 26th
High Energy Seminar; 8:30 am - 6:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Multi-Boson Interactions,, various
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R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
Atomic and nanoscale donor devices in silicon: Progress towards fabrication and characterisation, Dr. Neil Curson , University College London
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