Events at Physics |
Events During April, 2011
- Friday, April 1st
- Phenomenology Seminar; 2:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
- Dark Matter at LEP and the Tevatron, Patrick Fox, Fermilab
- Physics Department Colloquium; 4:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm)
- How the Hippies Saved Physics, David Kaiser, MIT
- Monday, April 4th
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:05 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Have Process will Travel: Adventures in Plasma Astrophysics, Anatoly Spitkovsky, Princeton University
- Tuesday, April 5th
- Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- A New Dynamical Mechanism for Major Climate Shifts, Anastasios Tsonis, UW-Milwaukee Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Friday, April 8th
- Physics Department Colloquium, Ingersoll Lecture;
4:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm) - Beauty in Complexity: Low Friction and Adsorption Properties of Quasicrystal Surfaces, Pat Thiel, Iowa State University
- Monday, April 11th
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:05 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Quasi-axisymmetric Tokamak: Breaking Tokamak Symmetry -- The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful, Tony Taylor, General Atomics
- Tuesday, April 12th
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
- Interacting fermions on the honeycomb and its bilayer, Oskar Vafek, Florida State University
- Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:05 pm; 4274 Chamberlin
- The Search for the Monsters at the Centers of Galaxies, Andy Sheinis, UW Department of Astronomy
- Wednesday, April 13th
- Public Lecture at Wisconsin Institute for Discovery; 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm; Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Town Center
- The Birth of the Zooniverse: How Citizen Scientists are Taking On Research from Galaxies to Climate Change, Lucy Fortson, Associate Professor UMN Physics
- Thursday, April 14th
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
- Interface engineering in epitaxial oxide heterostructures, Alex Demkov, University of Texas at Austin
- Astronomy Colloquium; 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm; 4421 Sterling Hall
- The new world of Gamma Ray Astronomy, Lucy Fortson, University of Minnesota
- Friday, April 15th
- Phenomenology Seminar, Theory/Phenomenology Seminar;
2:30 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall - CP Violation in Bs Mixing in the MSSM and Beyond, Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Fermilab
- Physics Department Colloquium; 4:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm)
- Searching for Inflation from the South Pole with CMB Polarimetry, John Kovac, Harvard University
- Monday, April 18th
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:05 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- How the Tail Wags the Dog: Understanding the Physics of the H-Mode Pedestal and ELMs in Tokamaks, Phil Snyder, General Atomics
- NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 1:30 pm; 5310
- Microcalorimeter Arrays for High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy, Catherine Bailey, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Tuesday, April 19th
- Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- "Response of Pollen in Devils Lake WI to the Younger Dryas Event, Lou Maher and Clarence Clay, UW-Madison Dept of Geoscience
- High Energy Seminar; 3:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- China Jinping underground lab and the PANDAX dark matter experiment, Xiang Liu
- Wednesday, April 20th
- Department Meeting
- 12:15 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
- Thursday, April 21st
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
- Interactions and superconductivivity in the polaronic Fermi liquid SrTiO<sub>3</sub>, Dirk van der Marel, University of Geneva
- NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 4:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- Recent Results From The VERITAS TeV Gamma-Ray Observatory, Andrew Smith, Argonne National Laboratory
- Friday, April 22nd
- Theory/Phenomenology Seminar; 2:30 pm - 3:35 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall
- News from ν's: Interpretations of Recent Neutrino Anomalies, Joachim Kopp, Fermilab
- Physics Department Colloquium; 4:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm)
- Next Steps in Nuclear Weapons Control, Jay Davis, The Hertz Foundation
- Monday, April 25th
- Plasma Physics (Physics/ECE/NE 922) Seminar; 12:05 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Reducing turbulent transport in toroidal configurations through shaping, Harry Mynick, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Tuesday, April 26th
- Chaos & Complex Systems Seminar; 12:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- Paradise Lost? Teaching About Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region, Dolly Ledin, UW Center for Biology Education
- Wednesday, April 27th
- Department Meeting
- 12:15 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall
- Thursday, April 28th
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar; 10:00 am; 5310 Chamberlin
- Improved Charge Collection in Nanostructured Organic Semiconductor Solar Cells, Charles Black, Brookhaven National Lab
- NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum; 4:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall
- A Holistic View of Unstable Dark Matter: Spectral and Anisotropy Signatures in Astrophysical Backgrounds, Le Zhang, UW-Madison/Hamburg University/DESY
- Friday, April 29th
- Physics Department Colloquium, Distinguished Award Winner;
4:00 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall (coffee at 3:30 pm) - Atomic Clocks: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, Thomas R. O'Brian, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and JILA