Kevin Langhoff working with Professor Vernon Barger
Kangbo Li working with Professor Robert McDermott
Yiwen (Jerry) Zhang working with Professor Mark Rzchowski
Kevin Langhoff working with Professor Vernon Barger
Kangbo Li working with Professor Robert McDermott
Yiwen (Jerry) Zhang working with Professor Mark Rzchowski
The international particle accelerator collaboration CERN announced Monday, June 4, that two experiments at the Large Hadron Collider discovered a link between the two heaviest known particles: the top quark and the Higgs boson.
Dr. Kimberly Palladino says, “We don’t know if we will find dark matter with LZ but in the worst case, by 2025, we may know more about what it isn’t.”
In the photo, UW-Madison postdoctoral researcher Rachel Mannino and graduate student Shaun Alsum do a test fit of a high-voltage ring in a clean room at the LZ test facility at SLAC National Accelerator Lab. The UW’s Physical Sciences Laboratory designed and fabricated these high-voltage test parts.
The article about LZ is on page 24 of the Wisconsin State Journal special, UW Fueling Discovery.
The highest energy photons in the universe are gamma rays that carry essential information capable of answering leading questions in astrophysics and particle physics. Thanks to an innovative technique combining aspects of astronomy and particle physics, it is possible to detect gamma rays from the ground, when they collide with Earth’s atmosphere and produce a fleeting (a few billionths of a second in duration) flash of blue Cherenkov light
A unique high-speed camera, designed to capture the fleeting effects of gamma rays crashing into the Earth’s atmosphere, will soon be on its way from the University of Wisconsin–Madison to Arizona’s Mount Hopkins.
The Goldwater Scholarship is considered the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering in America.
An innovative new career center launched by the largest college in the University of Wisconsin-Madison celebrated its grand opening with an event that brought together students, alumni, state government representatives, UW System Regents, donors and business leaders.
SuccessWorks helps College of Letters & Science students leverage and apply their skills to the most competitive and exciting jobs after graduation.
As he builds and fixes the museum’s 70-plus hands-on exhibits, Narf designs experiments, solves puzzles, and, well, tinkers — all in the service of physics education. In 2016, more than 4,000 schoolchildren visited the free museum to spin bicycle-wheel gyroscopes, crank electrical generators, and yank on pulleys. Each exhibit demonstrates a physical law, explained by printed placards or in person by Narf and his student docents.
Three Physics undergraduates have been awarded campus-wide scholarships by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As pictured, from left to right:
Patrick Dougherty - Theodore Herfurth Sophomore Scholarship Lauren Laufman - Merlin E. Silverthorn Scholarship
Nikki Noughani - Gerald W. and Tui G. Hedstrom Scholarship