As physicists eagerly await new data from the Large Hadron Collider, a contest has been opened for videos that communicate the enthusiasm for this enterprise.
News Archives
Campus-wide Awards to Physics Undergraduates
Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships
Generous grants from the Hilldale Foundation and the Wisconsin State Legislature provide for awards of $3,000 each to undergraduate students and $500–$1,000 to their faculty/staff advisors to work in collaboration on research projects.
Student | (Advisor) | Project |
Thomas Feigenson |
(Jim Lawler) | Improved Experimental Co I-II Values and Abundance Determinations From Spectroscopic Data |
Noah Johnson |
(Mark Ediger) | Molecular Orientation in the Vapor-Deposited Glass of p-TTP |
Colin Wahl |
(Saverio Spagnolie) | Microorganism Billiards |
Bai Yang Wang |
(Mark Eriksson) | An Exploratory Study of Charge Noise and Mobility for Improved Performance in Semiconductor Quantum Devices |
Yufan Xu |
(Cary Forest) | Hardening of Materials Using Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) |
Theodore Herfurth & Teddy Kubly Awards
A generous grant from the Herfurth and Kubly families provides for these longstanding awards which honor senior students exemplifying a composite of superior academic achievement, community service and leadership in extra and co-curricular activities, financial self-support, and both prepared and extemporaneous oral expression.
Nicholas Derr
12 Annual Integration Bee
12th Annual University of Wisconsin Integration Bee. First Prize $100.
Written qualifier May 4 6-7pm in 2103 Chamberlin. Top 10 scores go to the finals. Finals (live at the board): May 7 6pm in 2241 Chamberlin. Spectators welcome!
Open to all UW students.
For more information Jim Reardon Sponsored by the UW Physics Department and the Wonders of Physics
Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship Awarded to Thomas Feigenson
Undergraduate student Thomas Feigenson, working with Prof. Jim Lawler, has won a Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship. The Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships support undergraduate research done in collaboration with UW–Madison faculty or research/instructional academic staff. Approximately 105 Hilldale awards are available each year.
The LHC is back in business, now ready for proton-proton collisions at a record 13 TeV
After two years of intense maintenance and consolidation, and several months of preparation for restart, the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, is back in operation. Today at 10.41am, a proton beam was back in the 27-kilometer ring, followed at 12.27pm by a second beam rotating in the opposite direction. These beams circulated at their injection energy of 450 GeV. Over the coming days, operators will check all systems before increasing energy of the beams.
High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC)
High on a sleeping Mexican volcano, a new particle astrophysics observatory is about to blink to life, commencing an all-sky search for very high-energy gamma rays — a search that could greatly expand the catalog of known gamma ray sources and chip away at the mystery of the cosmic rays that constantly bombard our planet.
New polar neutrino detector on the way
IceCube, the cubic kilometer, sub-polar detector that in 2013 gathered the first-ever evidence of cosmic neutrinos, is the star of particle astrophysics at the South Pole. Soon, however, a complementary detector known as the Askaryan Radio Array or ARA will join the hunt for the highest energy neutrinos.
Physics Teaching Assistant Richard Sayanagi wins an Early Excellence in Teaching Award!
The University of Wisconsin-Madison employs over 2,000 teaching assistants across a wide variety of disciplines. The contributions of TAs in the classroom, lab, studio and field are essential to the University’s education mission. In order to recognize excellence on the part of TAs across campus, each year the College of Letters & Science, with funding support from the Graduate School, administers awards for exceptional teaching.
Physics Fair
The Department of Physics welcomed in the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18, for its fifth annual Physics Fair.
8th Annual Physics Fair, 11am – 4pm
You are invited to attend the 8th Annual Physics Fair! This will be an open house in which members of the public can come to learn about the research and teaching that are a part of our department. The Physics Fair will include laboratory tours, hands-on demonstrations, activities for kids and families, and informal conversations with scientists. We will have exhibits representing research groups in the department as well as displays on more general physics topics. Additionally, the Ingersoll Physics Museum will be open and the 31th Annual Wonders of Physics public presentations will take place.